Friday, February 4, 2011

Reader Response

Reader Response

      The book I am responding to is a biography on Albert Einstein by Frieda Wishinsky. I have read 122 out of 122 pages. The text is non-fiction. Albert’s point of view is shown in the text. The pictures were about Albert and his family. Some of them were about other people like Isaac Newton and Adolf Hitler as they are mentioned in some parts of thee text. The chapter titles and heading helped because they like summarized the main idea in just a few words.


            The title of this text says to me that it talks about or explains what happened to Albert Einstein. The text is really like a summary about Albert’s life. It talks about his childhood all the way to the day he died. My favourite part of this text is when Albert finally won the noble prize award because he had many opportunities to win it. He won the noble prize award for physics. What I want to remember from this text is if it wasn’t for Albert we wouldn’t have known that much about light and how it travels. We also wouldn’t understand the expansion of the universe or how matter behaves in the universe.


            This text makes me think about how the world would be like if it wasn’t for Albert Einstein’s work and intelligence. We would probably know a lot less about how the universe and how light is. Albert’s work also helped us build more high-tech items. I am different from Albert because he is more devoted to his studies and tries to solve different kind of problems that no one else solved. I just try to finish what I’m suppost to do like homework or something like that. He even finished all the questions in his textbooks before his class even tried to.


            I think the illustrations really helped me understand a few things about his work and it also helped me see how they looked. I think this text was an effective piece of writing because it wasn’t just stuffed with lies or just randomness put together. It was effective because it actually talked about the main points of Albert’s life from his childhood all the way to his death. After reading the first chapter I felt a bit bored about his biography but as I kept reading I started to understand him more and how his life went on. I admire him because he was a big help to peoples intelligence and figured out stuff that no one else in his time could. I think a more effective ending to the text would have been to explain the aftermath of his death instead of ending it by explaining the stuff he did in his life. The author probably should have talked more about what people did with all his experiments and all of his work.

By: Brandon Peters


  1. Brandon,
    your reader response had no flaws what so ever and it was full of v.i.p words and awesome detail. And your right...without you we wouldn't know this much without you...your voice shawn through in your writting.
    P.S your blog looks great

  2. I really liked how you explained what the title told you about the text and especially when you compared yourself to Albert Einstien, he does all his work while you just like to get it over with.

  3. You did a good job of summarizing the main components of the biography in your retell paragraph, and using the sentence starters as a guide, Brandon! I liked that you were critical of the biography's ending, and gave specific suggestions for how you would change it. I also enjoyed hearing that the illustrations helped you further understand the text. They are really key to non-fiction books in a lot of cases!

    Keep striving to go deeper into the thoughts you have about your reading. Ask more questions of the text, and make more inferences when possible. Ensure that your response is filled with more detail to wow us!

  4. I had fun reading your reader response. You did a realy good job. I liked how you included that the title and heading hepled summarize the main idea. It was interesting to read. I really enjoyed reading your retell, it was short and to the point. Your relate is awsome. I enjoyed reading every sentence in the relate section. I liked how you compared yourself to Albert Einstein. I liked how you used the sentences starters in every section. I agree with you that visuals help and I agree with you that it is an effective piece of writing too. We all learned a lot about him. Excellent job, Brandon

  5. I really enjoyed your reader response. I never actually had the chance to read about Albert Einstein but now i basically know almost everything about him. I especially liked that you were being honest and proved to me that you actually read the book. Also you compared yourself to Albert and I really liked that. Awesome job, Brandon!

  6. Your reader response was good to read because the sections weren't super-long but they had a lot of information in them and were just right. I find it interesting that other significant people like Hitler and Isaac Newton were mentioned in the biography. I enjoyed the part where you talked about how we wouldn't know a lot about the universe and light if it weren't for Albert Einstein. It made me really wonder, how the world would be if he hadn't made these discoveries? Where would we be now in science if it weren't for him? Good job on your reader response!
